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A Bass Player's Dream Come True The BOSS ME50B puts worldclass bass effects in a rugged floor unit with easy pedalstyle control Effects are divided into six sections—Compressor/Limiter, Master, Filter/Tone, Drive/Synth, Delay/Modulation and Expression Pedal—giving bassists a range of unique and powerful tones including new effects like Sound Hold, Octave Up and Kick Drum The Boss ME50B puts worldclass bass effects in a rugged floor unit with easy pedalstyle control Effects can be edited using 23 knobs and controlled via three builtin footswitches and anThe BOSS ME50B puts worldclass bass effects in a rugged floor unit with easy pedalstyle control Effects on the ME50B are divided into six sections Compressor/Limiter, Master, Filter/Tone, Drive/Synth, Delay/Modulation and Expression Pedalgiving bassists a range of unique and powerful BOSS tones including new effects like Sound Hold, Octave Up and Kick Drum
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Text in Kursivschrift bezieht sich auf Artikel, die in anderen Währungen als Euros eingestellt sind und stellen ungefähre Umrechnungen in Euros dar, die auf den von Bloomberg be rochester, NY Just got a used ME50B this week $149 at guitarcentercom used section So far I think it was the right choice for me (though I'd love to get some nice single pedals too) My question is does anybody know if the Boss FS6 will work with it, instead of getting two FS5U's #13Die anderen Effekte gehen aber das Wah

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